Price Listings

Senior Camera Charges
Indoor Session: $35.00
- 2 Outfits*

Outdoor Session: $35.00
- 2 Outfits*

Combination Session: $65.00
- 2 Outfits Indoors 2 Outfits Outdoors*

Multi-Pose Session: $35.00
- A digital combination of images*

*Additional Outfits, Add $15.00/Outfit
Portrait Camera Charges
Individual: $35.00
- 2 Outfits
- 8-10 poses indoor

Couple*: $55.00
- 2 Outfits
- 18-20 poses

Family*: $100.00
- 18-20 poses
- 2 arrangements of Family
- Additional poses at $10.00 each
- If both indoor & outdoor are required, add additional 55.00

*Pre-portrait Consultation Required
All price listings are subject to change. Please consult Nauman Photography for current price listings and full details.